Brigitte Lindholm by Robert DeJesus
Original Pencils:
Robert DeJesus
Original Inks:
Doc Hazzard
About the illustration
This was one I probably should have just left alone Robert does a fine job on his on and doesn’t need me adding my two cents. But… Brigitte Lindholm is my favorite character in Overwatch. I had 975 hours playing just her (don’t judge me it was COVID.) before my PS4 broke, and I really like Robert’s chibi version of her.
About Robert DeJesus
Robert is no stranger to the anime and manga community. An Indiana born, self-taught artist, who got his first art career break when he sent an eight page short story to comic publisher, Antarctic Press in February of 1990. He has drawn manga inspired art for well over 18 years and has been published nearly all over the world. He has worked for many companies like Playstation Magazine, Marvel, Hasbro, and now his most recent work with Harper Collins Publishing, just to name a few.
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