Mr. Universe #3


Original Pencils:

Al Hubbard

Original Inks:

All Hubbard


Dell Comics / Western Publishing

Origin Date:

Sep-Nov 1954

Illustration Details

Sometimes I just find images interesting. I liked the period camera and microphone and I liked the way Andru can draw in kind of a cartoony way. that Esposito and Andru illustrate the character Scarcely.

About Ross Andru

Frequent collaborator Gerry Conway commented of Ross Andru’s work, “Ross Andru could place a character anywhere he wanted. He had a terrific sense of spatial relations; he could track a battle easily across rooftops, from panel to panel. He drew some great sequences where he maintained the same stationary background, a rooftop or a street, across an entire page, but move the characters from panel to panel.

I know there are artists today who do that, but many of today’s artists are figure-oriented. Space and context doesn’t seem as important to them, whereas it was extremely important to Ross. He used to go around New York City taking pictures of the buildings so he could be accurate about where he put Spider-Man.